

L.M. Dobre, Anicuta Stoica-Guzun, Antimicrobial Ag-polyvinyl alcohol-bacterial cellulose composite films, Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy, 7, (2013), 157-162

Anicuta Stoica-Guzun, Marta Stroescu, Sorin Ion Jinga, Iuliana Mihaela Jipa, Tanase Dobre, Microwave assisted synthesis of bacterial cellulose – calcium carbonate composites, Industrial Crops and Products, 50, (2013), 414-422

Sorin Ion Jinga, Gabriela Isopencu, Anicuta Stoica-Guzun, Marta Stroescu, Mariana Ferdes, Brandusa Ohreac, Silver green synthesis on bacterial cellulose membranes using tanic acid, Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 8 (4), (2013), 1711-1717

Anicuta Stoica Guzun, Marta Stroescu, Sorin Ion Jinga, Georgeta Voicu, Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu, Alina Maria Holban, Plackett–Burman experimental design for bacterial cellulose–silica composites synthesis, Materials Science and Engineering C, 42 (2014) 280–288.

Ramona-Daniela Pavaloiu, Anicuta Stoica-Guzun, Marta Stroescu, Tanase Dobre, Use of bacterial cellulose as reinforcement agent and as coating agent in drug release apllications, Revista de chimie (Bucharest), 65 (7), (2014), 852-855.

Anamaria Zaharia, Andrei Sarbu, Anita-Laura Radu, Katja Jankova, Anders Daugaard, Søren Hvilsted, François-Xavier Perrin, Mircea Teodorescu, Cornel Munteanu, Victor Fruth-Oprisan, Preparation and characterization of polyacrylamide-modified kaolinite containing poly [acrylic acid-co-methylene bisacrylamide] nanocomposite hydrogels, Applied Clay Science, 103, (2015), 46–54.

A. Zaharia, F.-X. Perrin, M. Teodorescu, A.-L. Radu, T.-V. Iordache, A.-M. Florea, D. Donescu, A. Sarbu, New organophilic kaolin clays based on single-point grafted 3-aminopropyl dimethylethoxysilane, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17 (2015), 24908- 24916.

M. Stroescu, A. Stoica-Guzun, G. Isopencu, S. I. Jinga, O. Parvulescu, T. Dobre, M. Vasilescu, Chitosan-vanillin composites with antimicrobial properties, Food Hydrocolloids, 48, (2015), 62-71.

C.E. Ţebrencu, R.M. Cretu, G. R. Mitroi, E. Iacob, E. Ionescu, Phytochemical evaluation and HPTLC investigation of bark and extracts of Rhamnus Frangula Linn, Phytochemistry Reviews, 14 (4), (2015), 613-621.

G. Isopencu, M. Stroescu, A. Stoica-Guzun, S. I. Jinga, M. Ferdes, Green synthesis of silver-bacterial cellulose composites using turmeric powder extract, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 760, (2015), 311-316.

A. Stoica-Guzun, M. Stroescu, G. Isopencu, S. I. Jinga, T. Dobre, Superabsorbent materials for agricultural uses starting from bacterial cellulose, Bulletin of Romanian Chemical Engineering Society, 1(2), (2014), 96-103.

G. Juncu, A. Stoica-Guzun, M. Stroescu, G. Isopencu, S. I. Jinga, Drug release kinetics from carboxymethylcellulose-bacterial cellulose composite films, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 510(2), (2016), 485-492.

A. Stoica-Guzun, M. Stroescu, S. I. Jinga, N. Mihalache, A. Botez, M. Cristian, D. Berger, C.M. Damian, I. Valentin, Box-Behnken experimental design for chromium (VI) ions removal by bacterial cellulose-magnetite composites, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 91 (2016), 1062-1072.


Sarbu Andrei, Zaharia Anamaria, Stela Iancu, Stoica Anicuta, Stroescu Marta, Dobre Tanase, Ciripoiu Anita- Laura, ‘’PROCEDEU DE OBTINERE DE HIDROGELURI HIBRIDE PE BAZA DE CELULOZA BACTERIANA SI COPOLIMERI ACRILICI’’, Nr de inregistrare A/00681 din data 13.09.2013

Sârbu Andrei, Zaharia Anamaria, Radu Anita Laura, Iancu Stela, Stoica Anicuţa, Stroescu Marta Catalina, Tebrencu Carmen, Ionescu Elena, Sandu Teodor, Apostol Steluţa, “PROCEDEU DE OBTINERE A HIDROGELURILOR HIBRIDE CONTINAND FITOEXTRACTE BIOACTIVE”, Dosar OSIM, Nr. de inregistrare A/00365 din data de 23.05.2016.


Marta Stroescu, Anicuta Stoica, Tanase Dobre, Rodica Ceclan, Gabriela Isopencu, Antimicrobial bacterial cellulose composites, 18th International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, September 4-7, Sinaia, Romania, Papers and abstracts, ISSN 2344-1895, S4-59.

Anicuta Stoica, Marta Stroescu, Tanase Dobre, Oana Parvulescu, Bacterial cellulose composites used as superabsorbent materials for arid areas, 18th International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, September 4-7, Sinaia, Romania, Papers and abstracts, ISSN 2344-1895, S4-60.

Anamaria Lungu, Andrei Sarbu, Anita-Laura Ciripoiu, Katja Jankova Atanasova, Xavier-Francois Perrin, Mircea Teodorescu and Silviu Vulpe, Hydrogel Nanocomposites Based On Cross-Linked Poly (Acrylic Acid) And Kaolin Modified With Polyacrylamide, 18th International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, September 4-7, 2013, Sinaia, Romania, Papers and abstracts, ISSN 2344-1895, S6-62.

Anamaria Lungu, Andrei Sarbu, Anita-Laura Ciripoiu, Xavier-Francois Perrin, Mircea Teodorescu, New structures of hydrogel nanocomposites obtained through inverse suspension polymerization, „ICOSECS 8” – International Conference of the Chemical Societies of the South-East European countries, June 27-29, 2013, Belgrad, Serbia, Book of Abstracts, ISBN 978-86-7132-053-5.

Monica Duldner, Stela Iancu, Andrei Sarbu, Steluta Apostol, Emeric Bartha, Green method of obtaining polyester-polyols for rigid polyurethane foams with improved physico-mecanical and flame retardant properties, „ICOSECS 8” – International Conference of the Chemical Societies of the South-East European countries, June 27-29, 2013, Belgrad, Serbia, Book of Abstracts, ISBN 978-86-7132-053-5.

Carmen Tebrencu, Ruxandra Cretu, Gabriela Mitroi, Elena Iacob, Maria Chiriac, Valentin Grigoras, Phytochemical screening of Urtica dioica extracts: preliminary study for their utilization as antimicrobial and antifungal agents, Trend in natural products research: a young scientists meeting of PSE and ÖPhG, July 21-25, 2013, University Centre Obergurgl, Tyrol, Austria, Final Programme & Book of Abstracts, ISBN-13-978-0-9565472-3-1.

T. Dobre, A. Stoica, M. Stroescu, Aspects de genie chimique dans la synthese et utilisation de la cellulose bacterienne (conference), Huitième Colloque Franco-Roumain de Chimie Appliquée, (COFrRoCA–2014), 15-18 septembrie, 2014, Montpellier, France. Rezumat publicat in Volumul conferintei, Actes du huitième Colloque Franco-Roumain de Chimie Appliquée COFrRoCA–2014, Editions ALMA MATER Bacau, ISSN 2068-6382, p18.

A. Stoica-Guzun, M. Stroescu, G. Isopencu, T. Dobre, Materiaux superabsorbants utilises dans l’agriculture avec cellulose bacterienne, COFrRoCA – 2014, Huitième Colloque Franco-Roumain de Chimie Appliquée, 15-18 septembrie, 2014, Montpellier, France. Rezumat publicat in Volumul conferintei, Actes du huitième Colloque Franco-Roumain de Chimie Appliquée COFrRoCA–2014, Editions ALMA MATER Bacau, ISSN 2068-6382, p121.

G. Isopencu, M. Stroescu, A. Stoica-Guzun, S. I. Jinga, M. Ferdes, Green synthesis of silver-bacterial cellulose composites using turmeric powder extract, POLCOM 2014, International Conference of Technology for Polymeric and Composites Products Bucharest, Romania, 23 – 24 October, 2014. Lucrare acceptata pentru publicare in Trans Tech Publications Inc., Switzerland.

A. Zaharia, A. M. Florea, A. Sârbu, S. Iancu, A.-L. Ciripoiu, T.-V. Iordache, M. Duldner, T. Sandu, A. Stoica, M. Stroescu, Hydrogels hybrides de biopolymeres et polymeres synthetiques; XIème Colloque Franco-Roumain sur les Polymères, Piteşti (Cornul Vanatorului)–Romania, 27-29 august 2014.

A. Zaharia, A. Sârbu, S. Iancu, A.-L. Radu, T.-V. Iordache, M. A. Florea, A. Stoica, M. Stroescu, Hydrogels composites avec réseaux polymériques entrepénétrés (Ipn) a base de cellulose bactériale et acide polyacrylique,. AUX TRAVAUX DU 8eme COLLOQUE FRANCO–ROUMAIN DE CHIMIE APPLIQUÉE–COFrRoCA 2014, 15–18 Septembre 2014.

C.E. Tebrencu, R. Cretu , G. Mitroi, E. Iacob, E. Ionescu, Extraction of anthraquinone compounds of Rhamnus frangula L. (fam. Rhamnaceae): preliminary study for their utilization as anti-pathogenic agents, PSE Conference-Phytochemicals in Medicine and Pharmacognosy, 27-30 april 2014, INCDSB/ “Stejarul” Biological Research Centre/Piatra Neamt, Romania University, Book of Abstracts, p.85 (Poster P42).

C.E. Tebrencu, R. Cretu , G. Mitroi, E. Iacob, E. Ionescu, Development of HPTLC method for determination of emodin in Rhamnus frangula bark, International Conference of Applied Sciences, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering CISA 2014, “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacau, Romania Faculty of Engineering, Eighth edition, Book of abstracts, pag. 29, Bacau, Romania.

C.E. Tebrencu, R. Cretu, E. Ionescu, C. Giurescu, E. Gille, Phytochemical study of Melilotus officinalis L. extracts to be used as plant crops anti-pathogenic agents, 8th Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Southeast European Countries, Book of abstracts VIII CMAPSEEC, Agricultural University of Tirana, pag. 224, Durres, Albania, ISBN-978-99956-10-64-7.

C.E. Tebrencu, R. Cretu, R. Necula, V. Grigoras, E.Ionescu, Evaluation of Urtica dioica L. extracts to be used as antimicrobial and antifungal agents, 8th Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Southeast European Countries, Book of abstracts VIII CMAPSEEC, Agricultural University of Tirana, pag. 225, Durres, Albania, ISBN-978-99956-10-64-7.

C.E. Tebrencu, E. Gille, G. Gavril, R. Cretu, C. Giurescu, E. Ionescu, Vegetal extracts to be used as treatment in the phytopathology of medicinal and aromatic plants, 8th Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Southeast European Countries, Book of abstracts VIII CMAPSEEC, Agricultural University of Tirana, pag. 306, Durres, Albania, ISBN-978-99956-10-64-7.

C.E. Tebrencu, E. Gille, R. Cretu, G. Mitroi, E. Iacob, E. Ionescu, Extraction of coumarine compounds from Melilotus officinalis L. (Fam. Fabaceae) with bioprotective potential on crops, Trends in Natural Products Research, Palacky University Olomouc, Centre of the Region Hana for Biotechnological and Agricultural Research, Book of abstracts, pag. 45-46, Olomouc, Czech Republic, ISBN-13 978-0-9565472-5-5.

Gh. Juncu, A. Stoica, M. Stroescu, G. Isopencu. S.I. Jinga, Drug release kinetics from carboxymethylcellulose-bacterial cellulose composite films, The 8th International Conference on Advanced Materials, ROCAM 2015, 7-10 iulie, 2015, Bucuresti, Romania, Abstract Book, Ed. Granada, Bucuresti, ISSN 1842-3574.

A. Stoica, M. Stroescu, G. Isopencu, S. I. Jinga, Superabsorbent hydrogels based on bacterial cellulose composites, 19th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, RICCCE 2015, 2-5 septembrie 2015, Sibiu, Romania, CD.

M. Stroescu, A. Stoica-Guzun, G. Isopencu, S. I. Jinga, Synthesis and characterization of bacterial cellulose-inorganic composites, Book of Abstracts of the 2nd Symposium on Bacterial NanoCellulose, 9-11 septembrie 2015, Gdansk, Polonia.

A. Stoica, M. Stroescu, G. Isopencu, S. I. Jinga, Culture conditions for bacterial cellulose production using low quality fruit juices, Book of Abstracts of the VI International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology – BioMicroWorld2015, 28-30 octombrie 2015, Barcelona, Spania.

A. Zaharia, A. Sârbu, A-M. Florea, S. Iancu, A-L. Radu, T-V. Iordache, M. Duldner, T. Sandu, A. Stoica, M. Stroescu, Bacterial cellulose -composite hydrogels with interpenetrating polymer networks (IPN) applied for agrochemicals controlled release, Fourth International Symposium Frontiers in Polymer Science 2015, 19-22 mai, Riva del Garda, Italia.

A. Zaharia, A. Sârbu, A. L. Radu, S. Iancu, T. V. Iordache, A. M. Florea, T. Sandu, A. Stoica, M. Stroescu, New delivery systems based on composite hydrogels containing bacterial cellulose and crosslinked polyacrylic acid, European Polymer Congress EPF, 21-26 iunie 2015, Dresden, Germany.

A. Zaharia, T.-V. Iordache, A. M. Pană, S. Iancu, A.-L. Radu, S. Apostol, A. M. Florea , A. Stoica, M. Stroescu, A. Sârbu, Bacterial cellulose – poly(acrylic acid) Interpenetrated Polymer Networks as bio-friendly hydrogels for the controlled release of phyto-extracts in soil, 13th International Congress of Young Chemists – YoungChem2015, 7-11 octombrie 2015, Cracovia, Polonia.

E. Gille, C. E. Tebrencu, G. Gavril, E. Ionescu, V. Grigoras, R. Necula, The biostimulatory potential of complex plant extracts on organically grown medicinal species- the phytobiological test, 2nd International Conference on Natural Products Utilization / From Plants to Pharmacy Shelf, 14-17 octombrie, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, SL39(7)- prezentare orala; http://icnpu2015.cim.bg/files/files/ICNPU%20Program-18.09.pdf

C.E. Tebrencu, E. Gille, G. Gavril, E. Ionescu, R. Necula, R. M. Cretu, Preliminary studies on the antipathogenic potential of some plant extracts administered to organically cultivated medicinal and aromatic plants, 2nd International Conference on Natural Products Utilization / From Plants to Pharmacy Shelf, 14-17 octombrie, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, PP77 (p8)- poster; http://icnpu2015.cim.bg/files/files/List%20of%20Posters%20ICNPU.pdf

A. Mocanu, V. Dinca, C. Busuioc, G. Isopencu, M. Stroescu, A. Stoica, Optimization of Zinc Oxide Deposition on Bacterial Cellulose using Matrix Assisted Pulsed Laser Evaporation (MAPLE), The11th International Conference on Physics of Advanced Materials, 8-14 septembrie, 2016, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

M. Stroescu, A. Stoica, T. Dobre, G. Isopencu, S. I. Jinga, Antimicrobial Bacterial Cellulose Composites, International Conference CHIMIA 2016 “New Trends in Applied Chemistry”, 26 – 28 mai, 2016, Constanta, Romania.

M. Stroescu, A. Stoica-Guzun, G. Isopencu, C. Ţebrencu, T. Dobre, Superabsorbent Hydrogels for Agricultural Uses, The 2nd International Conference on Green Chemistry and Sustainable Engineering, 20-22 iulie, 2016, Roma, Italia.

A. Stoica-Guzun, M. Stroescu, G. Isopencu, S.I. Jinga, Biodegradable superabsorbent hydrogels containing bacterial cellulose”, The 2nd International Conference on Green Chemistry and Sustainable Engineering, 20-22 iulie, 2016, Roma, Italia.

C.-P. Spatarelu, A. Zaharia, A.-L. Radu, T.-V. Iordache, A.-M. Florea, T. Sandu, A. Sarbu, M. Teodorescu, Hydrogels for controlled delivery of biologically active substances”, The 5th Portuguese Young Chemists Meeting (5th PYCheM) – 1st European Young Chemists Meeting (1st EYCheM), 25-30 aprilie 2016, Guimaraes, Portugalia.

A.-L. Radu, A. Zaharia, C. P. Spatarelu, A. Sarbu, T.-V. Iordache, A. M. Florea, T. Sandu, S. Iancu, A. Stoica, M. Stroescu, Hydrogels composites innovatrices pour la liberation controlee des engrais chimiques, 9ème Colloque Franco-Roumain de Chimie Appliquée (COFrRoCA 2016), 28 iunie-01 iulie 2016, Clermont-Ferrand, Franta.

A.-L. Radu, A. Zaharia, C. P. Spatarelu, A. Sarbu, T.-V. Iordache, A. M. Florea, T. Sandu, S. Iancu, Hybrid hydrogels based on bio and synthetic polymers with applications in agriculture, Young Chem-International Congress of Young Chemists 5-9 octombrie 2016, Częstochowa, Polonia.

E. Gille, C.E. Tebrencu, R.M. Cretu et al. (2016), Evaluation of the releasing capacity of some anti-pathogenic compounds from a complex vegetal extract. Book of Abstracts 9th CMAPSEEC, 26-29 mai 2016, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.


Anamaria Lungu, Andrei Sarbu, Victor Fruth- Oprisan, Cornel Munteanu, Anita-Laura Ciripoiu. ‘’Morphological Characterization of New Nanocomposite Hydrogels Based on Polyacrylic Acid and Modified Kaolinite’’, A 12-a ediţie a Seminarului Naţional de Nanoştiinţă şi Nanotehnologie, Biblioteca Academiei Române, 16 mai 2013, Bucuresti.

Stela Iancu, Monica Duldner, Andrei Sarbu, Ana Maria Zaharia, Ana Mihaela Florea, Stefan Ovidiu Dima, Emeric Bartha, Investigation Of Two Synthetic Routes For Developing Biodegradable, Water Dispersible Copolyesters, Starting From Pet Wastes And Renewable Materials – „PRIOCHEM” editia a IX a – Prioritatile chimiei pentru o dezvoltare durabila, 24 -25 octombrie, 2013, Bucuresti, ISSN 2285-8334.

Carmen Tebrencu, Elena Ionescu, Neculai Antohe, Screeningul fito-chimic a extractelor din Rhamnus frangula L.: Studiu preliminar de utilizare a acestora ca agenti anti-patogenici in agricultura durabila, Conferinta nationala a Academiei Oamenilor de Stiinta din Romania, 20-21 septembrie, 2013, Brasov, Eco-Economia si Dezvoltarea Durabila, Rezumatele lucrarilor, p 14.

A. Zaharia, A. Sârbu, S. Iancu, A.-L. Radu, T.-V. Iordache, A. Stoica, M. Stroescu, New slow-release agrochemical formulations based on bacterial cellulose and crosslinked poly(acrylic acid) composite hydrogels,. A XXXIII-a Conferinţă Naţională de Chimie Căciulata, 01-03 octombrie, 2014.

T. Sandu, A. Sarbu, R. Zavoianu, C. Bradu, M. A. Florea, L. Sarbu, S. Apostol, Study on the process of obtaining red mud hybrid acrylic hydrogels, Zilele academice ieşene, A XXV-a sesiune de comunicări ştiinţifice “PROGRESE ÎN STIINTA COMPUSILOR ORGANICI SI MACROMOLECULARI”, Iaşi, 24 – 26 septembrie 2015.

A. Zaharia, F-X. Perrin, A. Sârbu, S. Iancu, A.-L. Radu, T.V. Iordache, M. Duldner, T. Sandu, A. Stoica, M. Stroescu, Bacterial cellulose – poly(acrylic acid) interpenetrating polymer networks (ipn) composite hydrogels containing natural bioactive substances. Prioritatile chimiei pentru o dezvoltare durabila PRIOCHEM- editia a XI-a, 29-30 octombrie 2015, Bucuresti, Romania.

C. E. Tebrencu, E. Ionescu, R. Cretu, Comparative evaluation of phytocomplexes of plant extracts with potential for use in the prophylaxis and treatment of crops, Sesiunea Ştiintifică de Primăvară 2015 a Academiei Oamenilor de Ştiinţă din România, 26 martie 2015, Bucuresti, prezentare orala, http://aos.ro/_new/2015/ProgramSesiune.pdf

C. E. Tebrencu, E. Ionescu, R. Cretu, Extracte vegetale cu potential de utilizare in agricultura ecologica, Sesiunea Stiintifica de Primavara 2015 “Stiinta, cunoastere, creativitate”, ed. A III-a ACADEMIA de STIINTE AGRICOLE si SILVICE “Gheorghe Ionescu Sisesti” Bucuresti, Statiunea de Cercetare Dezvoltare Agricola Secuieni si ACADEMIA OAMENILOR de STIINTA din ROMANIA- filiala Piatra Neamt, 25 mai 2015- prezentare orala, http://aos.ro/activitati-aosr-2015/sesiune-2015-filiala-piatra-neamt/.

M. Stroescu, A. Stoica-Guzun, A. Buturuga, A. Mocanu, G. Isopencu, Absorbent food pads containing bacterial cellulose, Symposium SICHEM – 2016, 8-9 septembrie, 2016, Bucuresti, Romania.

A. Stoica-Guzun, L. Frigescu, M. Stroescu, I. Jipa, Bacterial cellulose-alginate composites for active compounds release, Symposium SICHEM – 2016, 8-9 septembrie, 2016, Bucuresti, Romania.


“The Teva Award“ din partea companiei Teva Czech Industries pentru posterul 42 cu titlul: Extraction of anthraquinone compounds of Rhamnus frangula L. (fam. Rhamnaceae): preliminary study for their utilization as anti-pathogenic agents.